Thao Minh LE

Research Fellow
Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute
Deakin University, Australia

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My research interests focus on deep learning and machine learning techniques for visual perception, and vision and language reasoning. These capabilities are the key elements required of the next generation of virtual assistant systems. Real-world applications of these systems include security and safety services, healthcare.

  • [Dec 24, 2024] Our paper amVAE: Age-aware Multimorbidity clustering using Variational AutoEncoders is accepted for publication in Computers in Biology and Medicine (CIBM).
  • [Dec 10, 2024] Our paper Progressive Multi-granular Alignments for Grounded Reasoning in Large Vision-Language Models is accepted for presentation at the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2025.
  • [Nov 4, 2024] I have been awarded a 3-year research support, starting from April 2025, for my research proposal on "Fine-grained Human Motion Understanding and Its Applications" by Deakin University as part of Deakin University Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2025.
  • [Oct 5-13, 2024] I gave a talk at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Fraunhofer Research Institution, Germany on "Vision Language Intelligence: Machines That Reason About What They See". I am super excited with my upcoming research collaboration with Fraunhofer on AI for surgical education and training and leveraging its capabilities to enhance patient safety.
  • [Sep 2, 2024] I will be visiting Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Fraunhofer Research Institution for Individualized and Cell-Based Medical Engineering IMTE in early October as part of my DAAD Postdoc-NeT-AI Fellowship.
  • [Aug 9, 2024] Our preliminary work on Promptable Iterative Visual Refinement for Video Instance Segmentation is accepted for presentation at Instance-Level Recognition Workshop at ECCV 2024.
  • [Jul 25, 2024] Our paper Unified Compositional Query Machine with Multimodal Consistency for Video-based Human Activity Recognition is accepted for presentation at British Machine Vision Conference 2024.
  • [Apr 3, 2024] I have been selected as a DAAD Alnet fellow for the Postdoctoral Networking Tour in AI 04/2024. I will be participating in a virtual networking week (15/4-19/4/2024) and later receiving the DAAD's financial and origanizational support to visit German institutions in person to learn about the German AI research community. Please say "Hi" if you are also attending!
  • [Dec 1, 2023] My grant application on video analysis for early detection of Cerebral Palsy has been successful. I will serve as the Lead Chief Investigator for the two-year project with the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Foundation.
  • [Sep 30, 2023] Our paper Dynamic Reasoning for Movie QA: A Character-Centric Approach is accepted by Transactions on Multimedia.
  • [Sep 4, 2023] I am a recipient of the Alfred Deakin Medal for (the most outstanding) Doctoral Thesis in 2021.
  • [Aug 19, 2022] Our paper Guiding Visual Question Answering with Attention Priors is accepted at WACV'23, round 1 (Acceptance rate 22%). Pytorch implementation will be available soon.
  • [Jul 9, 2022] Our paper Video Dialog as Conversation about Objects Living in Space-Time is accepted at ECCV'22. Pytorch implementation is be available on Github.
  • [Jun 6, 2022] Thrilled to receive an academic promotion to Research Fellow at Deakin University.
  • [Mar 30, 2022] I gave a talk on Reasoning Over Vision and Language at FPT Software AI Center's webinar.
  • [Dec 8, 2021] I was officially awarded a PhD degree by Deakin University.

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